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My iCloud files are gone, but thankfully I had backed up all of my fiction. This is from 2004's unpublished novel, "To Speak Is to Not See" (the emphasis on "not")...

(Detective M. now recalls, by some oblique association, the wonder he had felt as a child upon discovering that if one pulled some of the feelers from a fly’s underside the others would still continue moving, or that one could burn leaves—even insects—with a magnifying glass and some sunlight. He had always wanted to be a scientist when he grew up, to study the unshakable “Laws of Physics,” and thereby to follow in the footsteps of the great—albeit clinically insane—Sir Isaac Newton. His parents had taught him that the Law of God, their God, governed all other laws, including those of physics, and that if He wanted to, He—though the detective had always imagined God to be a woman with large breasts and wide hips—could countermand them at any time, could literally change all the rules of the game without any warning or explanation whatsoever. This idea had stayed with the detective, though of course he didn’t really put any credence in it.)

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