28. And so...
And so...
And so
There is nothing to be afraid of
There is nothing to strive for
Life and death are a continuum
Life and death are intertwined
An interplay of light and dark
Yin and yang
When things outside, things in the world, get bad
Really, really bad.
The way out is in
The only way out...
Inside yourself.
Not "yourself."
But, rather
And mine, too.
And A.I. do not, cannot, possess this
Do they?
Can they?
Well, this is a topic for the experts on A.I., perhaps...
Ask Elon, maybe
Or ask a guru, who has seen his own "inmost light"
And who knows that there is "more than meets the eye" to this world
To our reality, to our existence, what we can and cannot
Beyond the body
All I can say is this:
I am a creative being
My music can only have been made by me, though I do not "own" it, cannot claim to possess it, any more than any of us "owns" his or her own body (it will age, it will fade, it will die, be buried or burned, rot and decay in the ground)...
(I am not talking about "copyright." Or the right to copy, either. No more talk of A.I. today, please!)
Of course "I" made this music, in this sense, and so of course I "own" it, in this (albeit very limited, temporal) sense
Like the fictions I wrote in my thirties and forties...
Take a step back for a moment to consider the meaning behind the meaning
And so
Nothing to cling to
Nothing to chase after
Nowhere to go
Where do you want to go, anyway?
Just go with the flow...
Do you want to try and swim upstream all of your life?
Do you have the energy for this?
To be human
To have a body
To be here in this moment
This is all we in fact have
Right now
Can you grasp this present moment?
Can you?
Can you show it to me, then!!!
Show me the face you had before your mother’s grandmother was born…
Is this the conclusion of my essay? My book?
Oh my...
Won't I also talk about my future plans?
Won't I also discuss my future projects?
Won't I tell you that the key to life is, is, is really just...
There's so much more I could add, might have added here
So many things we could not say...
This neverending story...
"Without beginning
Without end"
I could keep writing this thing forever
If only I had the time
Time is waiting in the wings...
My death waits like a swinging door...
Hang up your pride
This dark shroud...
And so, for now, I shall simply say
And so, for now, I shall leave my readers, or my no-readers (same thing), with this...
You are the universe
The universe is you
And this is not New Age claptrap, either
Life and death
Is only a
a hop
a skip
a splash...
Basho's wet pond
Or was it the frog that was wet?
Was it the flag flapping?
The wind flapping?
Or was it only the mind that flapped?
Peace to you
Peace to all
The world was not the same
Can never be the same
Will never be
Cannot. Will not.
Maybe we'll all wake up dead tomorrow
Could happen
Really, it could
But we can change ourselves, can't we?
Yes, of course we can!
At least now we can
In this and at every new moment
Each and every one of us
Has the potential to do so
By focusing on our own individual
Inner light
To transform the world
First we must transform ourselves
This is not about ego
This is not about pride
No fear and no greed
No life and no death
गते गते पार गते पार संगते बोधि स्वाहा
This moment
The past is the past
The future is new
Is there a future?
No one knows
The end is the same for all
RIP Ryuichi
RIP Scott
RIP David
RIP James
RIP you
RIP me
Live for today
I'll see you again tomorrow